Thursday, February 23, 2006


I don't really have much to say except that I've wasted reading week being very very very depressed. I have so much work to do and I can't really seem to get started and I am beginning to fear for my life. I am completely isolated as ever, but it seems to weigh on me more. If I die, no one will know about it until I am late on rent. I am being self pitying but it is also a pragmatic way of looking at things as I tend to go weeks at a time without talking to anyone at all. I may get "help" this summer but I'd really rather just disappear for awhile--not that I could afford it--I cannot stand much more of my condition and it seems that things need to change. I don't care for prescriptions but my generally unhappy and morose (yet functionally witty, I might say) demeanour has been replaced with the inability to even fake smile or get out of bed so I don't know. Noone likes you when you're down, not that I've ever been sufficiently "up" or convinced of my being "liked" on any sort of regular basis, so as soon as school ends, don't expect to hear from me for awhile. Best of luck to my friedns I hardly ever talk to.

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